Sunday, August 20, 2006


Things that make you go hmmm...

We're not in the business of telling people what to think or what to do. We are in the business of making people aware of things that are happening around them. Especially those things that effect them.

We've added a couple of thinks to the left that make us wonder what is really going on out there. Wizard World has put themselves in a position to be regarded as the leaders of comicbook and pop culture conventions. Many conventions follow their lead. Particularly when is come to fees. When Wizard world raised their prices this year many artists and fans started to think that this was the last year they would attend. They started putting their support into other shows. Then they started to see the contracts for 2007...many of the "smaller" shows have now raised their prices! Weren't they listening...why did we tell you we wanted to do your show this year. And we really don't want to hear that you raised prices because of gasoline prices!

Convention Promoters would do well to step out of the shadow cast by Wizard World...and there are some that are. S.P.A.C.E., Mid-Ohio-Con and a number of small indie cons are experiencing an incredible amount of growth. And when they find the need to raise prices, they give you something for your money. Again, that "something" is different for everyone so I won't go into the details. If you're new to comics and haven't been to a convention....go! And go again! But, by the third time you go, if you don't see something new worth coming back for...don't go again. Write the promoter and tell then what you want to see.

What do you want to see? I swear, if Charles Schulz was still alive and showed up at some of these conventions, I wonder if they would give him a table up front. Since he doesn't work on Batman or X-Men, they would probably set him up in the back next to the Soup Nazi!

So, why did those two guys get fired from Wizard World? I have two, they were the guys responsible for making Wizard World the greedy machine it is today and Wizard is finally waking up to the fact that the artist and fans actually care about comics. Or two, these guys are the ones that actually tried to make Wizard World better this year by listening to the artists and getting rid of "the room of death." (Wizards failure at expanding Artist Alley last year.) Because, I felt that the fans were really into the indie comics this year and that made the suits at Wizard nervous...somebody had to pay!

Either way, read up on it for yourself with the links to your left...we'll wait here!

Your comment on Schulz is spot on. I find it strange that Wizard doesn't understand what every grocery store and shopping mall does- which is that you bury the big ticket items near the back so people have to walk through the other stuff to get there. Instead of hiding Artists' Alley, they should put it up front or at least put in the center of the show. This year was the first I attended because I've never been a fan of that shitty magazine or their Wal Mart business model.
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